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诚意出售,奥克兰中区快餐店,临繁忙主街,有上升空间,利润高,易操作,1.5人即可,有意请来电0274135588 或面谈。

2024-05-16 发布
东区食馆出让 设备齐全,有生意,租金合理,有意请电 0274988588
东区食馆出让 设备齐全,有生意,租金合理,有意请电 0274988588

2024-05-15 发布
诚意出售 奥克兰西区中西快餐店, 临街,有大量车位, 有上升空间, 易上手操作,有意者请来电 021

2024-05-14 发布
We accept all traditions except those whose dogma teaches eternal damnation or the subjugation of women or other groups based on race or creed. We are a society of individuals seeking to improve the planet by application of the principles propounded in the Book of the Law. Our rites and lore are cumulative and lead gradually to the understanding and intelligent application of that which has been called the Great Secret: Love is the law, love under will For further inquiries contact:[redacted] or call [redacted] blessings and blessings on blessing to all our anticipated members and true seekers We are a group of strong brothers who came from different walks of life for the purpose of alliviating the sufferings of our people royal eagles occult of riches and fame are most probably the most well known secret society in the world. For years the world economy has functioned on the premise: To get ahead you have to step on those around you. You are on your own, struggling to keep your head above water. This is what this gross misinformation with which we had been raised has led us to, to misery, uncaring and wanting. Secret Societies protect their members, protect what is dear and precious to them through secrecy, because if the rest find out, these sacred things including the truth will also be destroyed. we are here to protect you if you so desire! Registration into royal eagles Brotherhood is FREE as members are provided with FREE forms irrespective of their Religion, Race, Colour, Sex and Background.. Members are required to pay dues and to tithe a small percentage of the money they make as a result of the riches they make as a member of the royal eagles Brotherhood. Dues are only a small part of what it takes to show us you are committed. If we are to share in the Brotherhood’s honors and rewards, we must each have a stake. You will find the amount to be much less than what many private clubs charge but the benefits gained are much greater. You can benefit physically, spiritually, mentally and materially. Members can progress more in 30 days in the Brotherhood than they would in 10 years elsewhere How long will it take for me to become rich and powerful? royal eagles Brotherhood is about more than just wealth and power, as anyone who observes the often tragic lives of the rich and famous can attest to. Without true wisdom and inner power, the outer trappings of success are all in vain, for spirit is ascendant over matter. That which is eternal is of far greater value than that which turns to dust. royal eagles Brotherhood’s teachings are not aimed merely towards self-aggrandizement but for the greater happiness of the Member and so that they, in turn, may bless and help others upon the path of life. With that said, let us say that anyone, having the right knowledge, inner power and a circle of powerful friends, with grit and determination can attain to success and prosperity. The rich rewards of fortune and success are never obtained overnight. It takes time to be mentored and to learn the secret knowledge, to build a “millionaire mind-set,” to work one’s way through the ranks and to prove one’s loyalty and devotion to the Brotherhood. It normally takes between 2 to 4 weeks before an initiate member start experiencing the blessings from our Lord Spiritual once you become a member. Advancement in the Brotherhood’s degrees of wisdom and power can, however, translate into a virtual guarantee of lifetime security because you are building a power within yourself that can never be taken away. Success is not handed to anyone on a silver platter and only you can guarantee your future happiness. Please Be Informed that Initiations and advancements are provided to those seeking the wisdom, empowerment and light of the classical African tradition through our fraternity. Our Order, remains true to the classical tradition. Our Order provides the sincere seeker the opportunity to become part of our fraternities, sanctuaries and temples in Nigeria, in Ghana, in South Africa, in Europe, in UK, in USA, etc. In addition, we provide astral initiations and advancements for those who seek the light for knowledge and spiritual, magical transformation but do not live by a temple. To become a member of ROYAL EAGLES BROTHERHOOD. Why not start today building that happiness, prosperity, inner power and peace by joining the royal eagles Brotherhood? Distance is not a problem. Let us know if you are ready to abide by the rules stated above by sending us the requested information for proper identification, documentation and reference purpose. (1) NAME: (2) ADDRESS: (3) NATIONALITY: (4) AGE: (5) OCCUPATION: (6)TELEPHONE NUMBER: (7) SEX: (8) COUNTRY: (9) ARE YOU A MEMBER OF ANY OTHER GROUP, IF YES, SPECIFY: **Indicate your interest by sending us the above details through our E-mail address :[redacted] or call [redacted] AND a response will be sent to you on how to proceed to the next stage.For those that don’t have E-mail address you can forward the details to our Phone number :CALL[redacted] afterward for further details on how to proceed to the next stage. SERVICE TO HUMANITY!!! We are blessed brothers from The Guardians of Age Mystery royal eagles Brotherhood. The secret heart of this brotherhood offers all initiate members, growth, wealth, fame, power, prosperity and success in all areas of heart desires. We are here to liberate those who need wealth, riches, power, prosperity, protection and success in all ramification. It does not involved the use of any human sacrifices, early personal death or hurting of loved ones. For more details contact us through the following Email:[redacted] and Phone: [redacted] Note: It's not a child's play, it's for those who are desperate and ready to make a change in their life. Above all it's FREE to Join.
2024-05-11 发布
Dominion Rd 快餐店出租

2024-05-03 发布

2024-04-29 发布
TAURANGA 中餐馆诚意出售 主街门口有大量停车位,交通方便铺租低发展潜力大有意者请电02
TAURANGA 中餐馆诚意出售    主街门口有大量停车位,交通方便铺租低发展潜力大有意者请电02041722255

2024-04-21 发布
東區 Botany 針灸,美容診所房間出租
內置停車場 . 憑藉高知名度和人流量,您的診所將蓬勃發展。不要錯過這個提升您業務的機會立即詢問行動!
2024-04-20 发布
位于Hamilton Enderley shopping center 经营北方面食的美食店诚意出售。门口有大量停车位,交通方便,室内宽敞整洁。有意者请电:0210521828
2023-07-14 发布

2023-06-21 发布
东区餐馆出让 设备齐全,有生意 租金合理有意请电0274988
东区餐馆出让 设备齐全,有生意 租金合理有意请电0274988

2023-06-21 发布
咖啡店 出售
位於南區 Manurewa好地點 , 店主自己經營了二十多年 , 想退休 了 , 有 意 請 來 電

2023-06-13 发布